有錢雙非家長假信教去入真名校 | 肥醫生@西九龍貧民區


via 有錢雙非家長假信教去入真名校 | 肥醫生@西九龍貧民區.



Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

— Arthur C. Clarke

[Box] is the culmination of multiple technologies, including large scale robotics, projection mapping, and software engineering. We believe this methodology has tremendous potential to radically transform theatrical presentations, and define new genres of expression.

Wikimania 2013 “State of the Wiki”


Newsroom Pilot Intro – YouTube

假如香港的電視台可以拍出這種質素的劇集(假如有香港版 Aaron Sorkin…)



Newsroom Pilot Intro – YouTube.

Three trends that will create demand for an Unconditional Basic Income | Simulacrum

We already have a society of volunteers and creators, and that’s a good thing. …  Everyone expected an information economy, and instead we got an information culture.

via Three trends that will create demand for an Unconditional Basic Income | Simulacrum.

The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio on Vimeo

4:3? 16:9? 1.85:1? 2.35:1?

The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio on Vimeo on Vimeo

Tesla Battery Swap HD – YouTube

That’s a new battery there oh my god!

Jokes aside, this is the key technology for putting electric vehicles into the mainstream market.
via Tesla Battery Swap HD – YouTube.

《卡拉屋企》 | 鍾振傑 | 主場新聞

你地 TVB 都有得唱啦,香港地要表態直言要上街!

via 《卡拉屋企》 | 鍾振傑 | 主場新聞

Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over “Paleo Diet” | hells ditch

Hoyes, a paleoethnobotanist who specializes in reconstructing prehistoric subsistence…

Coolest job title of the day.

via Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over “Paleo Diet” | hells ditch.

Small and pretty: Shek-O Bus Terminus | Paul Zimmerman 司馬文 | 主場新聞

The Shek-O Bus Terminus has outstanding merit, and every effort should be made to preserve it.

via Small and pretty: Shek-O Bus Terminus | Paul Zimmerman 司馬文 | 主場新聞