photos, quotes, writings
在議會文化裡,有所謂 Unparliamentary language,不知道尊貴的鍾議員1知不知道有這回事?
for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
If she knows what God wants, then I’m voting for her. If she doesn’t, she should stop saying so. I’m not attacking Christians. I’m defending them.
I’m standing up for the tens of millions of Christians who are tired of being represented
by having our identity–There’s been an identity theft.
—The Newsroom Season 1 Episode 8
ANDDD we had our brother in Christ, Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, MH, JP, Secretary for Development, quoting Micah 6:8. While there are compelling evidences showing that he is having a conflict of interest between him and his capacity as a principal official of the Hong Kong Government?
I have a large number of nouns I could use to describe the people I saw in a canoe in the Bow River today. I am not allowed to use any of them.
— Naheed Nenshi, Mayor of Calgary, Canada
via Canoeists on raging Bow River ‘selfish and ridiculous,’ Nenshi says | Metro.
I am still waiting for my mayor to have such bravery to comment1 on current affairs.
I don’t want to hear about extradition or rendition or any of that nonsense. This man is a traitor and if we don’t get him within 24 hours I say we need to start bombing the hell out of Hong Kong.
via John McCain Calls For Invasion of Hong Kong – The Daily Currant.1
via 陳淨心的啟示 | 陳可樂 | 主場新聞.
Hoyes, a paleoethnobotanist who specializes in reconstructing prehistoric subsistence…
Coolest job title of the day.
via Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over “Paleo Diet” | hells ditch.