To quote The Newsroom…

If she knows what God wants, then I’m voting for her. If she doesn’t, she should stop saying so. I’m not attacking Christians. I’m defending them.
I’m standing up for the tens of millions of Christians who are tired of being represented
by having our identity–There’s been an identity theft.

The Newsroom Season 1 Episode 8

ANDDD we had our brother in Christ, Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, MH, JP, Secretary for Development, quoting Micah 6:8. While there are compelling evidences showing that he is having a conflict of interest between him and his capacity as a principal official of the Hong Kong Government?

政壇:中史必修 唔得掂腳震

政壇:中史必修 唔得掂腳震(學民思潮面書專頁)





Newsroom Pilot Intro – YouTube

假如香港的電視台可以拍出這種質素的劇集(假如有香港版 Aaron Sorkin…)



Newsroom Pilot Intro – YouTube.

Three trends that will create demand for an Unconditional Basic Income | Simulacrum

We already have a society of volunteers and creators, and that’s a good thing. …  Everyone expected an information economy, and instead we got an information culture.

via Three trends that will create demand for an Unconditional Basic Income | Simulacrum.




這應該是叫做 Reality Distortion Field(現實扭曲場)吧。